National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 國立臺灣美術館, Taichung, Taiwan


作品名稱:空間魂魄 Space sprite

Behavior of inorganic being in extensity (2004)

Digital sound artwork, Behavior of Inorganic being in Extensity, is a question the artist proposes to the “form of soul.” Is “form of soul” a pure entity? Or is it an assemblage of inorganic status? Is there a “soul” in an incident? Is there a soul in an idea? Is there a soul within breathe in and breathe out? Has space a soul?

The artist makes soul an analogy to our sense of sight, and it presents the differences between tone and the infinite series of tone. We can distinguish a voice as “voice” right at the moment we hear it in a space, just like what we know about “a soul.” Nevertheless, is it truly the entity of voice and soul? Sounds you heard in a space, when recognized by your brain, had contained structures of many entities that gave off sounds—the variance of air vibration, the diminishing effect caused by range and mediums during delivery, density and temperature, and even the structural variation of your brain—how your brain interprets sensibility, and how your body quakes by itself. The “sound,” as we regard it to be, is structured by countless interweaving of phenomena. If getting rid of the structure framed by current space and time, in the micro blink of time, is sound existing outside the momentary fragmental mode? Or is the structure of sound constructed inside your memory or your sensibility? Perhaps it is the influence of time that realizes sounds within infinite moments, in that sense, the sound recognized by our sensibility is the assemblage structured with the axis of time. Behavior of Inorganic being in Extensity intends to present a micro sense toward our environment, just like that of the continuous slow breathing of humans.


數位聲響作品《空間魂魄》是創作者對「靈魂型態」的發問。「靈魂型態」到底是一個純然的個體?還是一種離散狀態的集合?  一個發生的事件是否有靈魂?一個念頭是否有靈魂?一呼一吸是否有靈魂?一個空間是否有靈魂?

擺脫掉現有空間跟時間的架構,時間的極微點,對於聲音是存在瞬間片段的模式以外,聲音架構在你的記憶裡還是感官中?也許是因為時間的影響才將無限的瞬間理解成聲音,如此一來,感官理解所謂的聲音就成了以時間為主軸所構成的集合。  《空間魂魄》欲呈現的是一種對環境的微觀感受,就如同人們的緩慢呼吸的連續。






